Loss Lab
Global Change Ecology & Management
Scott R. Loss
Associate Professor
Dept. of Natural Resource Ecology & Management
Oklahoma State University

Selected Media Coverage/Interviews/Mentions for Loss Lab Research on Invasive Earthworms:
“Invasive ‘jumping’ worms are now tearing through Midwestern forest.” 1-2-20. Audubon Magazine.
“A worldwide worm survey, and racial bias in a health care algorithm.” 10-24-19. Science Now.
“Higher local earthworm diversity in temperate regions than in tropics.” 10-24-19. ScienceDaily.
“Invasive earthworm effects in forests and prairies.” June 2019. Oklahoma Gardening TV Show.
“Nonnative earthworms not all good for birds.” 5-29-18. Minneapolis StarTribune.
“Silent partners: Are earthworms creating pathways for invasive plants?” 6-15-17. The Conversation.
“Researchers say non-native earthworms pose risk to ecosystems on one of the Channel Islands.” 2-13-17. KCLU – NPR for the California Coast.
“The threat of the earthworm to San Clemente Island.” 1-10-17. Chicago Tribune.
“Earthworms are not always good for the soil.” 1-8-17. High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal.
“European earthworms limit biodiversity.” Nov/Dec 2016. The Wildlife Professional (Vol. 10; No. 6).
“The lowly earthworm poses a dire threat to this California Island.” 10-7-16. Los Angeles Times.
“Latest research leads OSU scholars to find earthworms can be invasive and damaging to soil.” 10-4-16. Oklahoma Farm Report.
“European worms harming North American forest diversity.” 9-17-16. Duluth News Tribune.
“Earthworm invaders alter northern forest.” 9-13-16. EarthSky.
“European earthworm invasion responseible for the decline of species diversity in North American forests." 9-8-16. Nature World News.
"European earthworms decrease species diversity in North America.” 9-6-16. Science Daily.
"Earthworms to Blame for Decline of Ovenbirds in Northern Midwest Forest, Study Reveals" 2-29-12. Smithsonian Science
"Early Worm Gets the Bird" 3-10-12. Radio Interview on CBC Science Program "Quirks and Quarks"
"Earthworms to Blame for Decline of Ovenbirds in Northern Midwest Forests" 2-29-13. ScienceDaily
"Early Worm Gets the Bird" 12-5-11. Conservation Magazine
"The Worm Turns" Jan/Feb 2012. Bird Watchers Digest
"Little Worms, Big Consequences" December 2012. Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine.
Also covered (not available online) in: The Vancouver Sun, Montreal Gazette, and Ottawa Citizen newspapers