Loss Lab
Global Change Ecology & Management
Scott R. Loss
Associate Professor
Dept. of Natural Resource Ecology & Management
Oklahoma State University

Selected Media Coverage/Interviews/Mentions for Loss Lab Research on Wildlife & Energy Infrastructure
“Is it possible to build wildlife-friendly windfarms?” 3-2-20. BBC.
“Verify: do wind turbines kill a large number of birds.” (Interviewed for TV appearance) 2-23-20. WFAA (Dallas ABC Affiliate).
“New report deepens understanding of wind-wildlife interactions.” 9-23-19. ScienceDaily.
"Do wind farms cause cancer? Some claims Trump made about the industry are just hot air." USA Today. 4-3-19.
“Wind energy takes a toll on birds, but now there’s help.” 4-17-18. NBCNews.com
“Fact-checking Zinke’s claim that wind turbines kill 750,000 birds a year.” 3-7-18. Axios.
“Trump’s hot air on wind energy.” 6-2-16. FactCheck.org.
“There’s a lot to unpack in just one of Donald Trump’s answers about energy policy.” 5-26-16. The Washington Post.
“New studies highlight energy development’s impact on birds.” 4-20-16. ScienceDaily.
“Will wind turbines ever be safe for birds?” 3-16-16. Audubon.
“Are songbirds the forgotten wind power victim?” 9-23-14. Conservation Magazine.
“Urban landscapes becoming increasingly bird-unfriendly.” 7-14-14. Smithsonian Science.
"Will Newer Wind Turbines Mean Fewer Bird Deaths?" 4-27-14. National Geographic.
“8 ways wind power companies are trying to prevent deadly collisions.” 1-6-14. Mother Jones.
“For the birds (and the bats). 8 ways wind power companies are trying to prevent deadly collisions.” 1-3-14. Grist.
“How many birds do wind turbines really kill?” 12-16-13. Smithsonian.com.
“Estimating the extent of fatal bird collisions with wind turbines.” 12-11-13. Natural Reactions.
“Study says wind farms kill more than 300K birds a year.” 12-11-13.” Governer’s Wind Energy Coalition.
“Study shows newer wind turbines still killing hundreds of thousands of birds”. 12-10-13. American Bird Conservancy
“Researchers study estimates of bird collisions with wind turbines” 11-25-13. The High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal.
“Study: Taller wind turbines kill more birds” 11-21-13. KOSU – NPR affiliate in Oklahoma.
“California wind power is the worst for wildlife”. 11-20-13. KCET - Los Angeles, California Independent and Educational TV/Radio.
“Study: Taller wind turbines kill more birds.” 11-20-13. The Journal Record